This talk will consider the protocols for managing sport-related concussion (SRC) and post-concussion syndrome including addressing return to school and work and how to support patients/athletes in their recovery. Concussion awareness, and therefore, diagnosis is on the rise. It's the most common reported injury in rugby alone. With new sporting governing body and government guidance on management in non-elite sport, it makes sense that FCPs may well be seeing this more in their consultation rooms, be sure to be equipped with the latest advice. Sarah is a salaried GP with a specialist interest in MSK and Sports and Exercise Medicine. In her other roles she works in MSK Triage clinic and sits in clinical reference groups striving for excellence in MSK care in the area. Having completed her Sports and Exercise Medicine Diploma, she’s a team doctor, works for a telemedicine concussion clinic and starting this season will be working as an Independent Match Day Doctor for Premiership Rugby.
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